Dear {{principal_name}},{{br}}
Thank you for taking the time to submit your response regarding the application of {{automate_student_name}}.
YLK will officially notify you of the student(s) selected from your school. {{br}}
Upon notification we sincerely ask that you personally convey the importance of his/her representation of {{automate_high_school}} in the YLK program.
Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.{{br}}
Courtney Hutcheson | Director, Leadership Programs
Positivity + Responsibility + Adaptability + Arranger + Woo
17 Market Square | Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
o 865.523.9137 | d 865.246.2633 | m 865.919.0444
chutcheson@leadknox.com | www.leadershipknoxville.com
We build a stronger Knoxville by developing people and groups, leading to a greater community.
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