


Youth Leadership Knoxville began in 2014 as an official program of Leadership Knoxville. YLK is a 10 month leadership training program for high school juniors. Students apply during their sophomore year for participation in the program. Youth Leadership Knoxville gives area high school students a chance to enhance their knowledge of Knoxville, develop leadership skills, create new friendships and gain a better understanding of self, interact with various community leaders, visit businesses and experience community while learning the pillars of servant leadership. All high school sophomores are encouraged to apply online at www.leadershipknoxville.com. The application deadline is {{student_last_date}}.  


The YLK Selection Committee selects approximately 50 students representing all Knox County High Schools including public, private and homeschool students. In order for a student to be selected the following documentation must be completed and submitted by the deadline.
  1. Student Application submitted online by the student. (Deadline: {{student_last_date}})
  2. Parent/Guardian Permission Form submitted online by Parent/Guardian.(Deadline: {{reference_last_date}})
  3. Community Reference Form submitted online by personal reference.(Deadline: {{reference_last_date}})
  4. Principal Permission Form submitted online by principal.(Deadline: {{reference_last_date}})


Please verify that {{automate_student_name}} is currently a sophomore at {{automate_high_school}} and is academically in good standing and of good character. He/she will be a junior during the 2022-2023 school year. I, {{principal_name}} hereby; {{approve_button}} for the reasons stated below: {{comment_box}} If you do not approve of their participation an automated message will be sent to the student informing them they have not been approved for participation and should seek a meeting with you for any questions.  


Questions? Please contact Samantha Lacy at (865) 246-2601 or slacy@leadknox.com