By Celeste Herbert, LK2006 - Legal Counsel, Jones, Meadows & Wall

The holidays are here. We are getting ready to close the chapter on the year 2015 and welcome in a New Year. Many businesses are experiencing their busiest time of the year. In the midst of this hustle and bustle, take the time to say "thank you" to employees and customers. Leaders understand that they do not achieve success by their acts alone. Adopting an attitude of gratitude in the workplace reaps benefits. If that attitude starts at the top of an organization, it will work itself down to the most junior of employees. Studies have demonstrated that saying "thank you" in the workplace has a positive effect on a company's success. If a company recognizes and celebrates its employees' achievements, it is more likely to see positive results in its overall business. Continue reading
This article is from the Leadership feature in the August 2015 edition of the Knoxville Business Journal